Michael A. Lynes
Ph.D.- Professor and Department Head
Current projects ongoing in our lab (lead researcher’s initials):
1. The molecular basis of metallothionein influences on in vivo and in vitro cell movement (KP)
2. GCSPRI and SPEF-based mapping of transcription factor activation in activated leukocytes (RM)
3. Metallothionein-mediated effects on macrophage function and the impact of MT as an antioxidant in cell culture (GM, RW, MROR, AND SRD)
4. Mathematical modeling of the Jerne network hypothesis and in vivo testing of those models (PR)
5. GCSPRI and SPEF phenotypic and functional monitoring of CD4 and CD8 T cells in Type 1 diabetes and Rheumatoid Arthritis (JMR AND JSY)
6. GCSPRI and GCFP-based diagnostics for infectious disease (CM)
7. The identification of metallothionein binding proteins using phage display techniques (MR)
8. MT trafficking in cells (CB)
9.Biomarker signatures of biological, chemical and psychological stress (CM, CR, JMR, and PR)
10. GCSPRI- and GCSPEF-based pathogen biosensors (GM)
11. SmtA (bacterial MT) and its role as a virulence factor and alarmone (KP and AT)

michael.lynes@uconn.edu | |
Phone | (860) 486-4350 |
Fax | 860-486-4331 |
Mailing Address | Department of Molecular and Cell Biology Unit 3125, 91 N. Eagleville Rd. University of Connecticut |
Office Location | Biology Physics Building |
Campus | Storrs |
Courses | MCB 4211/MCB 5255 |